(Last Updated on: September 11, 2023 )

One step has been taken towards justice regarding physician sexual assault allegations against family practitioner Gregory Castillo, M.D.

Dr. Castillo has resigned his medical license in the face of irrefutable evidence of sexual misconduct. The next step is making sure his employer, the Facey Medical Group, is held accountable too. We at Hodes Milman are currently investigating allegations against Dr. Castillo and the Valencia, CA Facey Medical Group office.

To learn about the allegations regarding sexual assaults and inappropriate conduct, read on. To contact experienced medical sexual abuse lawyers right away about this case, call the firm of Hodes Milman directly at (949) 640-8222.

What Are the Accusations Against Dr. Gregory Castillo?

The accusations brought against former Dr. Gregory Castillo by male patients include:

  • An oral assault on a 47-year-old patient without consent. This occurred in 2013, and during the incident, Dr. Castillo lied and told the patient that this was a routine part of the examination. The patient pushed Castillo away, immediately walked out of the room, and complained to the Facey Medical Group about what happened, but nothing was done.
  • The inappropriate fondling of a 25-year-old patient without consent. This occurred in May of 2019, and Castillo was not wearing medical gloves at the time. Again, he lied and told the patient this was normal and that he was looking for “lymph nodes” in the groin area. Again the Facey Medical Group acknowledged that the conduct was improper, but did nothing.
  • The inappropriate touching of a 19-year-old patient without gloves or consent. This was in the summer of 2019, and the sexual misconduct continued out-of-office when Castillo exchanged texts with the teenager and picked him up from school with the intent of engaging in further sexual behavior.

There is a pattern of escalation present in these accusations. When Facey Medical Group ignored the complaints against Dr. Castillo, they created a dangerous environment for future patients. Meanwhile, the alleged assaults continued, Castillo’s lies became more brazen, and his victims got younger.

What Does Resigning a Medical License Mean for Dr. Castillo?

Dr. Gregory Castillo has surrendered his medical license, which means a loss of all rights and privileges as a Physician and Surgeon in California. Mr. Castillo has accepted this form of punishment in an acknowledgment that the sexual assault evidence against him merits official discipline.

Because Mr. Castillo agreed to this, all of the charges and allegations against him in the following legal document are considered true, correct, and admitted to by Mr. Castillo. You can access a full PDF of the patient complaints here.

What Is the Facey Medical Group’s Responsibility in Sexual Assault Allegations?

There is a well-known phrase that says, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” By persistently employing Dr. Gregory Castillo in their Valencia, CA office, the Facey Medical Group allowed a predator to continue a practice of sexual assault, molestation, and victim “grooming.” Grooming is the term for befriending and manipulating young or vulnerable individuals with the intention of abusing them.

For years, despite having clear notice that Dr. Castillo was sexually assaulting and molesting patients, the Facey Medical Group did nothing to prevent his access to patients. They also failed to report this conduct to law enforcement. Those who were harmed in the years after the first known incident of abuse have a right to confront the Facey Medical Group’s negligence in protecting their patients.

Contact Hodes Milman for legal representation in asserting your rights against Dr. Castillo and Facey Medical Group’s misconduct.

What Is the Long-Lasting Damage of Doctor Sexual Assault?

It is often difficult for a patient to come forward and say, “I was sexually assaulted by my doctor.” One reason doctor sexual assault is so hard to acknowledge is that physicians have highly intimate access to patients’ bodies, and are given a great deal of trust. That is why medical professionals have such a high duty of care to respect the appropriate boundaries of doctor-patient relationships.

Another reason is what’s known as “gaslighting.” Gaslighting is an umbrella term for behaviors like lying, undermining, and discrediting victims of abuse. Because doctors are so respected in most communities, it is easy for someone like Dr. Gregory Castillo to deny his actions, belittle his patients’ claims and memories of events, and shift blame away from himself. The Facey Medical Group helped Dr. Castillo when they participated in ignoring and minimizing his behaviors.

This sort of treatment leaves long-lasting psychological harm, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to Daniel Hodes, managing partner of the Hodes Milman law firm, “Unfortunately, the harm in these cases is caused not only by the predator, but his medical group knowing about the sexual misconduct yet allowing it to continue unfettered.”

Those who were abused when they should have received treatment have a right to confront Dr. Gregory Castillo and the Facey Medical Group over their misconduct.

How Can You Contact Lawyers for the Gregory Castillo Case?

Hodes Milman is actively investigating the allegations against Dr. Castillo and Facey Medical Group. We have years of experience defending victims of medical sexual abuse, including securing a $851.6 million settlement in the George Tyndall USC sex assault cases, the largest settlement for sexual abuse in history.

If you were a patient of Dr. Castillo and feel you may have been violated while under his treatment, we want to help. It is normal for victims of inappropriate behavior to feel confused, withdrawn, and embarrassed to discuss what occurred. Even if you are not sure if you want to seek legal action, we can answer any questions you have and help you understand your options.

Hodes Milman can help you obtain the justice and peace of mind you deserve to heal during this difficult time. Call us at (949) 640-8222 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free and 100% confidential consultation. We’re here to help end the silence surrounding physician sexual misconduct, and are ready to lend our voices to your case.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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