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Protecting the 7th Amendment

Save our JuriesDuring the colonial days of 1688, English judges were servants under the King of England. These judges were often biased towards the King, and because of this, their rulings were not always fair to the colonists. King George III got rid of trials by juries in the Colonies, which upset colonists and fueled the fire that led to the American Revolution. When the Framers wrote the Bill of Rights, they understood how important it was to have a fair court system, so they made sure that the right to have a trial by jury was a fundamental law of the country.

The entire team of Hodes Milman steadfastly believe that the right to trial by jury is under attack from billion dollar corporations. Several of our senior partners and associates volunteer their time to promote the education and awareness of this very important amendment through organizations such as The American Association for Justice and The American Board of Trial Advocates program Save Our Juries. The American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) is the only legal association comprised of members who practice either plaintiffs or defense law. Put simply, it is made up of adversaries who respect each other’s trial skills and dedication to the law, and members are by invitation only. Firm founders Dan Hodes and Jeff Milman are members of ABOTA.

Learn more about the 7th Amendment at SaveOurJuries.org, or watch this quick video from Mark Cuban below:

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