(Last Updated on: October 10, 2023 )

Hodes Milman is representing a 69-year-old woman who is suffering from permanent neuropathy due to a negligent misdiagnosis. In Feb. 2014, the woman was referred to a doctor who misread a skeletal x-ray and erroneously diagnosed her as having multiple myeloma. The doctor recommended an aggressive treatment plan that included chemotherapy and a possible bone marrow biopsy and stem cell transplant. In Sept. 2014, the woman sought a second opinion from a multiple myeloma specialist, who correctly concluded that the woman never had multiple myeloma and diagnosed her as having a diffuse sensory neuropathy due to the treatment she had undergone. Hodes Milman settled the case for $950,000.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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