(Last Updated on: June 9, 2023 )

While new medical technology can be beneficial in many ways, there are dangers of negative disadvantages. Without human judgment and oversight, patients can be injured. Without HIPAA-compliant safeguards, your healthcare data could be hacked. A personal injury attorney can help you seek justice.

While technology has brought about many benefits to healthcare, it is important to also consider the potential negative impacts. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which technology can lead to medical errors, compromise patient privacy, and disrupt the doctor-patient relationship. 

As personal injury lawyers, we at Hodes Milman have seen firsthand the impact that medical technological errors can have on patients and their families. When technology errors in healthcare lead to serious injuries and harm, there are legal options available to patients and their families. 

As advocates for injured patients, we hope to shed light on these important modern issues, and help patients navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding healthcare technology errors. If you need legal advice or representation, contact our Orange County, California offices at (949) 640-8222 for a free, confidential consultation.

5 Negative Impacts of Technology in Healthcare

As technological advances are applied in the medical sphere, dangerous negative impacts of technology in healthcare include:

  1. Medical errors: While technology can help reduce errors, it can also introduce new types of errors. For example, incorrect or incomplete data entry, system malfunctions, and user errors can lead to misdiagnosis errors and adverse patient outcomes.
  2. Data privacy and security concerns: With the use of electronic health records and other digital technologies, there is a risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks. This can compromise patients’ privacy and sensitive medical information, leading to identity theft and other fraudulent activities.
  3. High costs: The high cost of technology can be a barrier to access for patients, especially those in low-income areas. Additionally, healthcare organizations may need to invest significant resources in implementing and maintaining technology systems.
  4. Disrupting human interaction: The use of technology in healthcare can sometimes lead to a reduction in face-to-face communication between healthcare providers and patients. This can negatively impact patient satisfaction and reduce the effectiveness of care.
  5. Dependence on technology: As healthcare providers become more reliant on technology, there is a risk of losing basic clinical skills and critical thinking. Over-reliance on technology can also lead to complacency and a lack of attention to detail.

Overall, while technology can bring about significant benefits in healthcare, it is important that providers consider the potential negative impacts and take steps to mitigate them. If you have been harmed by a doctor or hospital’s failure to protect you, a personal injury lawsuit may be your best path to the compensation you need to recover.

If you’ve suffered a diagnostic, pharmacy, or surgical error due to technology or a dangerous medical product used by your healthcare provider, that could be the grounds for a medical malpractice or hospital negligence case. Likewise, if your HIPAA rights were violated through a data hack or leak, you and others impacted may join together in a class action suit. 


Contact our experienced medical litigation attorneys at Hodes Milman by calling (949) 640-8222 to explore your legal options regarding tech and electronic negligence in healthcare.

3 Positive Impacts of Technology in Healthcare 

There are legitimate and positive uses for tech advancements in healthcare, including:

  1. Decreasing the risk of injury: Technological improvements in surgical procedures can help doctors perform microscopic procedures that are minimally invasive. This leads to faster recoveries and reduced risks of infection from large open incisions.
  2. Remote access: For elderly, home-bound, or handicapped patients, technological access to online support groups and virtual coaching such as fitness tutorials can be extremely beneficial.
  3. Ease of use: For those with strong internet access in their homes, online technology makes it easier to find healthcare professionals in their area, secure necessary prescriptions, and seek medical advice for small children without a trip to a clinic or doctor’s office.

The benefits of technology in healthcare mean integration is inevitable. However, medical professionals and providers must do everything possible to maintain human oversight and failsafes, as well as protect your private medical data. Should their negligent use of technology harm you, a lawsuit can help you hold them accountable for any injuries or losses you have suffered.

Should You Sue Over the Disadvantages of Technology in Medicine?

A personal injury lawsuit over healthcare technology errors may be right for you in accomplishing two vital goals: providing fair compensation for you and your family, and encouraging safety incentives for future patients. If you have a potential lawsuit regarding tech disadvantages in medicine, here are some important factors to consider:

  • Severity of harm: The severity of the harm or injuries caused by medical technology error is a critical factor to consider. Failures that cause significant damage like permanent injury or death merit legal action to seek compensation.
  • Prevention of future negligence: If the technology error included negligence on the part of the healthcare provider or the technology vendor, holding the responsible party legally accountable may be the only way to prevent future harm to other patients.
  • Availability of evidence: It is important to gather evidence to support your case, such as medical records, witness statements, and documentation of the technology error. Contact a medical litigation attorney as soon as possible to empower our lawyers to collect evidence on your behalf before it is lost, degraded, or potentially hidden to conceal liability.
  • Statute of limitations deadline: When considering a lawsuit, be aware that every state has a deadline (statute of limitations) for filing medical injury lawsuits. If you miss this window of opportunity to file, you may lose all rights to the compensation you otherwise could have been entitled to receive.
  • Financial considerations: Many personal injury lawyers, including the attorneys at Hodes Milman, work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we only get paid if we deliver a win for your case. There is no need to worry if you can’t afford a lawyer upfront — we invest our time and resources into the cases we represent to help alleviate your financial burdens during this difficult time.

Don’t count yourself out before speaking with a medical negligence lawyer. A healthcare provider’s first directive is to “do no harm” — if you have been harmed by a medical technological error, you have the right to seek justice under the law.

Contact Experienced Medical Litigation Lawyers

From compromised privacy to medical errors and harm, it is important for patients to be aware of the potential risks of medical technology and take steps to protect themselves. If you or a loved one has suffered harm due to a technology error in healthcare, it is important to seek legal guidance from an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you evaluate your legal options and fight for the compensation you deserve.

At Hodes Milman, we have a proven track record of securing substantial compensation for patients. Our medical malpractice settlements include multi-million dollar results for individuals and families impacted by healthcare errors.

We are committed to advocating for injured patients and holding healthcare providers and technology vendors accountable for their negligence. Reach out to us online or by calling (949) 640-8222 for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation about your rights and medical needs going forward.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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