(Last Updated on: March 3, 2021 )

Hodes Milman represented a 46 year-old woman suffering from incurable breast cancer with a less than one year life expectancy due to a delay in diagnosis. The plaintiff visited multiple doctors and underwent several screening mammograms from May 2007 to June 2009. Unfortunately, worrisome findings were not appreciated, and a further work up was not undertaken, resulting in a two-year delay in diagnosis. If she had been diagnosed in 2007, the likelihood of a cure would have been upwards of 70%. Hodes Milman attorney’s obtained a $1,550,000 settlement on behalf of their client.




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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.

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