(Last Updated on: May 21, 2020 )

Treating Long-Term Brain Injuries

A new study on the treatment of brain injury victims suffering long-term effects holds great promise.

The research conducted by Dr. Robin Green, Senior Scientist and Neuropsychologist at Toronto Rehab and Canada Research Chair in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), indicates that the detrimental long-term effects of a TBI may be reversed if the patient is exposed to environmental enrichment. By stimulating the brain with activity and sensory input, shrinkage of the hippocampus – the part of the brain associated with memory – may actually be reduced.

The research, published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience on September 24 and reported on by Science Daily, offers new hope for survivors of serious brain trauma. By approaching TBI as a progressive neurological disorder rather than a mere injury, Dr. Green and her team were able to discover that increased physical, social and cognitive stimulation can prevent the deterioration of healthy areas of the brain that tends to follow serious brain trauma. The study examined a group of 25 patients with moderate-severe TBI. Types of stimulation provided include reading, puzzles and socializing.

According to Dr. Green, “If we are able to offset the negative brain changes through the treatments we are developing, we may be able to very significantly improve patients’ recovery and the quality of their aging with a brain injury.”

For more information on traumatic brain injury, contact the brain injury attorneys at Hodes Milman at (949) 640-8222.

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