(Last Updated on: May 21, 2020 )

If a brain injury occurs to your loved one as the result of medical negligence, the difficulty of dealing with the effects of the injury itself can be compounded by the challenge of holding your medical practitioners accountable for their malpractice. To do so, first you must be able to prove that the actions (or inaction) of your doctor, surgeon, or other medical professional caused the injury, and that the medical treatment your loved one received was not within the generally accepted standard of care. Determining if this is the case, and then being able to prove it, often requires expensive expert help.

Suffering A Brain Injury

Brain injuries can be one of the most devastating types of trauma a person can suffer. Severe brain injuries may require lifelong care and destroy the ability to work and live independently. Even mild brain injuries can require extensive rehabilitation before a patient regains lost skills.

Caused By Medical Malpractice

Mistakes in medical treatment that can lead to brain injury include direct trauma to the brain during surgery, overmedication, failure to diagnose a condition such as a brain tumor or stroke, loss of oxygen to the brain during a medical procedure, and errors in anesthesia.

Sadly, this is not just a risk for adults; birth injuries can result in brain trauma to newborns, and children undergoing medical treatment can be affected by the same factors as adults. Brain injuries can cause widely different symptoms in different people, such as loss of muscle control, paralysis, difficulty talking, seizures, personality changes, memory loss, or an inability to concentrate.

The financial burden of providing for the needs of a brain-injured patient can include not just immediate expenses, such as hospital bills, but ongoing ones such as physical therapy, rehabilitation, and even loss of income, if that person is subsequently unable to work. In addition, if the injury was caused by negligence, you and your loved one may be entitled to damages for pain and suffering. Given the significant potential cost doctors and hospitals face should they be found liable for such injuries, medical malpractice cases tend to be both lengthy and hard-fought.

Contact Orange County Brain Injury Attorneys

In order to safeguard the rights of your loved one and provide for their future needs, you should consult an experienced medical malpractice attorney. A skilled attorney can help evaluate the strength of your claim and guide you in determining your legal options. The tough, experienced legal team at Hodes Milman and Liebeck can help protect your legal rights and obtain compensation for your loved one’s injury.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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