(Last Updated on: March 2, 2021 )

A 36-year-old woman, who underwent a standard surgical procedure to remove gallstones, suffered bile duct leakage, edema, substantial hemorrhaging and other serious complications due to medical negligence on the part of her surgeon. After surgery, the plaintiff immediately experienced severe pain which was attributed to leakage from a common bile duct and a lesion in the right artery. A stenting of the common duct was performed, but nine days later the patient was readmitted with pain and jaundice due to massive hematoma, continued bile leakage and the migration of the stent from the duct. The stent was removed and a T-tube was inserted to allow the bile to drain externally; however, one week later, the plaintiff suffered additional complications which led to hemorrhagic shock, respiratory failure and hypoxemia. Despite further procedures, she continues to suffer from bouts of cholangitis, or infection of the common bile duct, and has been evaluated by a liver transplant team. The plaintiff made allegations of medical negligence against the surgeon who originally removed her gallstones, resulting in subsequent disciplinary action against the surgeon by the state medical board for alcohol and substance abuse. Jeffrey A. Milman of Hodes Milman represented the plaintiff, resulting in a settlement for the case policy limit of $1,000,000 for loss of earnings, diminished earning capacity and general damages pursuant to MICRA.

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