(Last Updated on: September 10, 2018 )

Multiple lawsuits have been filed against many businesses owned by presidential candidate, Donald Trump, due to extreme discriminatory measures used against female employees. The allegations detail lewd and abusive actions such as sexual harassment and fat shaming. In one lawsuit, a female supervisor at Trump National Golf Club near Los Angeles complained that Trump criticized her for not hiring good looking female staff. “I want you to get some good looking hostesses here,” Trump allegedly told the supervisor, Sue Kwiatkowski. “People like to see good looking people when they come in.” She was then urged to hire younger, “prettier” staff, and make sure other female workers who did not fit the description were kept out of sight when Trump visited the property. Another supervisor claimed that Trump threatened to punish her for refusing to fire an employee, because he considered her to be “fat.” A married waitress working in the restaurant claimed that she was forced to endure uncomfortable flirtatious actions from Trump who would constantly ask whether she was, “still happily married.” Although there are about 130 employment cases involving Trump’s companies dating back to the 1980s, it is hard to provide a definitive account of women claiming abuse, because most complaints are resolved internally, and research shows many women to be too afraid to report discriminatory workplace behavior. These lawsuits come in the wake of recent viral stories about Trump admitting on tape to sexually harassing Nancy O’Dell, a married television host. It is unknown whether or not O’Dell complained to producers of Trump’s aggressive sexual advances. Jill Martin, vice president and assistant general counselor for the Trump Organization stated in an interview that the organization “has a strong policy and does not tolerate harassment of any kind,” and that the number of these kinds of lawsuits is small for an organization of this size. “We promptly investigate any claims and discipline upon substantiation of those claims and have an open door policy to encourage reporting of any discrimination.” Trump responded to the allegations during an interview that women experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace should “find another career or another company.”

If you or a loved one have suffered due to blatant and unlawful discrimination in the workplace, the lawyers at Hodes Milman are there for you in your time of need. Contact us today online at verdictvictory.com or call (949) 640-8222 for a complimentary case evaluation.




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