(Last Updated on: November 8, 2024 )

 Avoid becoming a birth injury statistic. Hodes Milman has created a guide to help new and expecting parents anticipate some of the more common forms of medical negligence that might take place in their birthing room. Read more here.

Pitocin is a synthetic hormone used to induce or speed up labor in certain situations. It mimics oxytocin, which initiates labor.

Pitocin is administered with a needle, allowing it to enter the bloodstream and prompt contractions. Doctors will use it when the baby is late or if there are problems that require labor to start early.

However, pitocin is not without its challenges. Unlike oxytocin, which is released intermittently, pitocin is administered continuously. This can result in stronger and more frequent contractions. If these contractions aren’t watched closely, they might lead to complications.

Overuse of pitocin can cause the uterus to contract too frequently or too powerfully. This leads to hyperstimulation, which can restrict oxygen flow to the baby and cause long-term birth injuries.

Is Pitocin Safe for a Baby? What Are the Risks?

Is pitocin safe for a baby? When used correctly, it can be. The biggest risk associated with pitocin is the possibility of fetal distress.

Pitocin may cause the baby to receive less oxygen between contractions. It may compress the placenta, responsible for vital nutrients. Lacking both, the baby can succumb to cognitive decline. 

Think of conditions like hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), which occurs when the brain goes without oxygen for an extended period of time, leading to epilepsy, permanent disability, or cerebral palsy. 

There’s also a problem with timing the dosage of pitocin. Since pitocin can take 30 to 45 minutes to begin working, doctors might overdose. Dosage errors are common, as the effect of pitocin varies greatly between women.

One foreign study reports that pitocin misuse could be as high as 21%. And only 5% of women who receive the drug end up delivering in 12 hours. 

Black women in particular self-report feeling pressured to take pitocin with new research indicating its role in causing this group’s high rate of postpartum depression.

Pitocin Birth Injury: Causes & Outcomes

Hodes Milman has a proven track record of successfully representing families in pitocin birth injury cases. With over $200 million in verdicts and settlements, the firm has the experience needed to help families navigate the legal process and secure the compensation they deserve.


If your family has been impacted by a pitocin-related birth injury, Hodes Milman can provide a free consultation to evaluate your case and determine the best course of action. Let us hear your case. Reach out online or by phone at (949) 640-8222.

Pitocin side effects on a baby can lead to devastating outcomes for both the baby and the family. Alongside fetal distress and HIE, here are the biggest ones to look out for.

  • Brain damage: Prolonged lack of oxygen can result in permanent brain damage. This impacts the baby’s development and cognitive functions.
  • Neonatal seizures: Brain injuries from oxygen deprivation can cause seizures shortly after birth.
  • Low Apgar scores: A low score may signal breathing difficulties, poor muscle tone, or other complications.
  • Cerebral palsy: This leads to lifelong movement and coordination challenges.
  • Retinal hemorrhages: Excessive pressure during labor can cause bleeding in the baby’s eyes, which may affect vision.
  • Neonatal jaundice and potential kernicterus: High levels of bilirubin in the baby’s blood can lead to jaundice, then kernicterus, causing permanent brain damage.
  • Increased intracranial pressure: Excessive pressure inside the baby’s skull can lead to swelling or bleeding in the brain.
  • Fetal stroke: Disruption of blood flow during labor can cause a stroke in the baby.
  • Brain hemorrhage: Severe contractions can cause bleeding in the baby’s brain, which may result in permanent damage or death.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia: Irregular heartbeat can impact the baby’s ability to circulate blood.
  • Fetal death: In extreme cases, prolonged complications from pitocin use can result in stillbirth or death.

Does Pitocin Affect the Baby? When Can I Seek Legal Recourse?

If your baby has suffered a birth injury as a result of pitocin misuse, you have the option to file a medical malpractice claim. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider fails to meet the accepted standard of care. In the case of pitocin, medical malpractice comes in the form of:

  • Failure to give the proper dosage.
  • Failure to monitor the mother and baby.
  • Failure to intervene when signs of distress arise.

A medical malpractice lawsuit can help families recover compensation for the extensive costs associated with birth injuries. These costs include medical bills, long-term care expenses, rehabilitation, and specialized therapy for the child. 

Additionally, families may be entitled to compensation for the emotional toll that a birth injury takes on both the child and their loved ones.

But time is of the essence. Most states have a statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases. In rare cases, the statute may span the first 18 years of your child’s life. In most states, you’ll have between 1-3 years to file and potentially receive a payout for your baby’s pain and suffering.

Pitocin Misuse Led to a Brain Injury in Our Client’s Baby

Giving birth is supposed to be one of the most joyous moments of a parent’s life. But for our client and her family, that joy was stolen.

When our client went to the hospital, she expected to meet a healthy, happy baby. However, the hours that followed would change her life forever.

The labor didn’t progress as expected, so hospital staff decided to administer pitocin. This decision went against hospital policy, but went unquestioned. 

So when signs of fetal distress appeared on the monitoring strips, and the nurses failed to notify the attending OBGYN for over an hour, our client felt a growing sense of unease. Unaware of the danger to herself and her baby, she patiently waited for her medical team to appear. 

But by the time the OBGYN was called, the situation had spiraled out of control. The fetal heart rate strips showed clear signs of oxygen deprivation. When the OBGYN finally arrived, our client’s baby was delivered limp, unresponsive, and barely clinging to life.

The hospital and the OBGYN’s failure to properly monitor our client and her baby during labor had robbed them of a healthy birth.

Attorneys Jeffrey Milman and Benjamin Ikuta of Hodes Milman took on the case, and in April 2021, they secured a $5.7 million settlement for the family. The hospital was held responsible for $4 million, while the OBGYN and their group paid $1.7 million.

Though no amount of money could undo the harm caused, the settlement provided much-needed financial support for the child’s medical care and future needs.

How Can Medical Malpractice Contribute to Birth Injuries

Why Choose Hodes Milman For Your Birth Injury Claim?

If you suspect that your baby’s birth injury was caused by pitocin misuse, seek both medical and legal advice as soon as possible.

Early intervention can help manage the effects of birth injuries and ensure that your child receives the necessary care. At the same time, pursuing legal action can help alleviate the financial burden of long-term medical expenses.

Hodes Milman offers compassionate and knowledgeable legal support for families facing birth injury. With over three decades of medical malpractice experience, and a deep understanding of the risks associated with pitocin, the firm is well-equipped to advocate for your family and ensure that those responsible for your child’s injury are held accountable.

For a free consultation and case evaluation, contact Hodes Milman today. Your family deserves justice, and our firm is ready to help you secure the compensation you need to support your child’s future. Fill out our online form or call (949) 640-8222 for justice today.

Related Resources

If you found this birth injury content helpful, please view the related topics below: 

Contact us if you have specific questions on the matter or if you’d like to schedule a free consultation.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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