Can You Sue If You Get an Infection After Surgery?
Undergoing surgery can be worrying enough, but once you’re in the recovery room, you may still face unexpected issues as you recover. There are many causes for surgical site infections, and some may result from negligence or carelessness by your practitioners. Can you...
What Happens If Newborn Jaundice Goes Untreated?
Newborn jaundice is a common condition that affects many babies shortly after birth. It occurs due to an excess of bilirubin in the blood, a byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells. Most cases are mild and resolve independently as the baby’s liver...
How to Report Elder Abuse in California
The exploitation of vulnerable adults is far too common. Statistics show that 141 million elders suffer abuse each year. The idea of reporting abuse sounds intimidating, but abuse festers when communities choose to do nothing. Hodes Milman dedicates itself to pursuing...
How to Prove Elder Abuse in California
Elder abuse in California is more common than in most other states. There are an estimated 15,000 reports of elderly abuse in the state monthly. That's almost 200,000 cases per year. As the number of those needing care in the state increases, so will the difficulty in...
Can You Sue a Mental Health Facility?
It's hard to struggle with your mental health, and it's even harder to ask for help. So when institutions meant to provide care neglect to do so, it makes an already isolating experience even more distressing. You've already taken a very vulnerable first step in...
Is Pitocin Safe for the Baby? The Truth About Labor Induction
Avoid becoming a birth injury statistic. Hodes Milman has created a guide to help new and expecting parents anticipate some of the more common forms of medical negligence that might take place in their birthing room. Read more here.Pitocin is a synthetic hormone used...