(Last Updated on: March 8, 2022 )

A 48-year-old woman who had previously undergone a brow lift and injections of a cosmetic filled called Radiesse in her bilateral temples underwent the subsequent injection of Judviderm, also in the temple areas. As the result of the build up of scar tissue from the prior Radiesse injections, the plastic surgeon had difficulty injecting the Juviderm. Excessive pressure exterted during the injection caused the Juviderm to betravel into the arterial system of the retina, resulting in blindness in that eye. The case resolved for $425,000.

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When you work with us, you’ll see the difference. A lot of firms are quick to show you numbers, and it is absolutely true that your lawyer should have experience and a strong track record in the area that you require. However, we’ll take it one step further. We also believe that your attorney should put your needs, cares and desires first. Because you deserve more than just compensation for your losses - you deserve a true advocate.



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